Are you, or are you planning on building a YouTube channel? 

If so, I want to ask you whether that's what you really SHOULD be doing?

I know you're constantly being told by the experts that you must have a YouTube channel and it's the only place for video. 

But, in this blog post and the video above , I want to really look at whether this is, in fact, the case and say that there might be better ways for you. 

There are really only three ways in which to look at using YouTube. 

One of the ways…which is what everyone recommends… requires you to build your YouTube channel. If that’s what you’re thinking…then I want to question whether it is the best use of your time and resources and that you really understand what it entails. 

Because what you're being told may not be what it really seems. And there are some problems that no one wants to address, particularly in the early stages. 

I’ve been in the trenches for many years helping clients like you, implement the most effective video marketing strategies into your business.

Unlike most, who are YouTube experts or social media experts, I look at it differently. 

I want to maximise results by using the most efficient and effective strategies, not simply relying on one platform. 

So being brutally honest, YouTube can seem like a very inefficient strategy, particularly early on.

I’m going to qualify that statement and explain a little more in a minute.

What I’m going to say, may not be what you want to hear but it’s important that you’re clear and understand it.

Before I do that. Let's look at the three different ways to consider using YouTube that I mentioned at the beginning of this post.  

So the three ways to think about using YouTube. 

1. Building a standalone channel specifically designed for your videos to get found in the search results.

2. Using YouTube as a live streaming platform and building your community there and in that way.

3. Using YouTube as a repository for your videos. 

Number one is the one that all the experts recommend…so that's the one we're going to focus in on… because there’s a lot more to it than most people realise. 

Before you dive headlong into building your YouTube channel, I'm making a huge assumption here, that you’ve actually done your proper research and analysis. 

Have confirmed that building, your YouTube channel is one of the most effective strategies for you. 

Or, that if you do decide to do it alongside other strategies, you understand the approach and commitment required. 

For instance, you may decide on running some more tactical, short term strategies as opposed to just running something that is more strategic and long term (Can take longer to build).

If you have the resources and time to do this, then that's great. 

But let's address the real issues I’d like you to understand.

This is probably going to have people jumping up and down but it’s the truth.

Building a YouTube channel at the beginning is a big challenge and can be difficult.

For a number of reasons:-

- You must have clarity and do your groundwork properly.

- You need to commit to the process. 

- It requires energy and focus. 

- It requires dedication and time. 

- It does require a high degree of commitment. (Maybe I’ve already said that above…but it’s important)

- It's a long term game, so don't go chasing trends. 

And here's the greatest problem that almost no one talks about…

The truth is….it can push you out of alignment. 

You’re having to do something for a specific reason. Which means following what's already out there. 

By that I mean, your video topics for your initial videos are going to be on content that other people have already created content around. You know that people are already searching for information on this topic and are watching the video content that has already been created.

Now, if you can find a different angle on some of the top topics, all well and good. 

But certainly, in the initial stages, you are not being uniquely you. Which makes your messaging harder and the ability to be consistent, more difficult. 

Is that true of all niches…maybe not. But if you’re in a competitive niche and with all that's going on with YouTube and the amount of video content being created, this is getting more difficult. 

It’s different once you've established your channel and authority, then it's a completely different matter. 

But in the early days, you're having to focus on keyword related terms. Which means to a large degree, you’re having to “play the game” and go up against a lot of existing content out there. 

This is why being niche is good, but it does mean, that people have to be searching for your specific content. 

Bear in mind that 65% of people go to YouTube seeking answers to a question. 

It’s understanding those questions, or search queries and then getting your content in front of them and hopefully keeping them engaged. You need to keep on doing this until you start to build your channel. 

A lot of what the experts say is based on hindsight.

Which is why I thought I'd put my money where my mouth is and build this YouTube channel from scratch.

I’m only using organic methods to do it and some relatively straightforward syndication strategies, which I revealed in my last video.

Currently I have next to no subscribers on my YouTube channel, only a very small email list and small number of followers on social media.

To help you further, I’ll be sharing my journey across social media with you. Giving your further insights and reasons why.

At this point, I do want you to understand that you really, really need to make sure, building a YouTube channel is the right fit for you and best strategy. 

You really do need to back yourself and commit to the process. 

You need to be very intentional with the early videos you create around the keywords and topics you want to focus in on. 

It can feel like you’re playing the same game as everyone else and that, they have sucked up all the viewers because they have more established YouTube channels than you.

But if you understand this, remain committed, execute on the strategy and then review your progress and results after two to three months. You’re in a good place.

You will get the results in time. 

As I said earlier, it may feel awkward and you’ll have to do some work on how you can get your personal spin on these topics, because there’s existing content out there and you are you, with your unique knowledge and skills.

I don’t want to dampen your spirits, but I do want to make sure you understand what’s required and that it’s genuinely the right strategy for you!

If it is, then commit to the process, the results will come and probably the breaks will come in ways you least expect them.

I hope I can help you in your journey and that this is helpful too.

In the meantime, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel, like, share and comment on any take aways from the video above.

Please Click Here To Subscribe

Then come on over to my social media channels, where I'll be sharing more specific strategies and behind the scenes stuff. As I build my brand new YouTube channel. 




At worst, you might get some very good insights on how to do this for yourself. 

Thank you for your time. I'll catch you in my next video.

Thank you



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